Thursday 11 February 2016

Greetings from the bad blogger!

I could make excuses about my husband being home on holidays, or the rotten heatwave that we have been enduring blah blah blah. But no-one wants to hear that, so let's not dwell on how far behind I have already gotten this year with new work! Let's talk about the best husband in the world who knocked up these fabulous cradled panels for me. Stretched canvas has reached it's use by date for my painting process. My pieces have become heavier with texture and assemblage elements lately and I need to move on to something sturdier. Fortunately my other half is a bit of a whiz in the shed and is now making these panels for me. It's great, any size I want and I don't have to give a weeks notice to have a canvas stretched! I managed to hunt down some premium grade ply panels that don't require sanding, just a bit of sealing before painting. Even that is optional with acrylic paint.
In typical fashion though, the first piece I started on panel is mostly assemblage or heavy texture (yet!). This mainly came about because of the fact that even with A/C in my studio, my kitchen is infinitely more comfortable to work in when temps are up to 42 degrees C for four days running! So I made myself comfortable and got out my trusty pencils. The drawing part isn't quite finished yet and there will be some colour and texture I promise! I'm hoping to spend the weekend finishing this one :) Thanks for sticking by the Bad Blogger! :)

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